Computer Science

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As a skill, Computer Science encompasses a broad range of competencies in understanding and applying the principles of computing and information technology. It includes algorithm design, understanding data structures, programming, systems analysis, software development, database management, and computational theory.

This skill also often involves proficiency in various programming languages and the ability to solve complex problems through logical and analytical thinking.


I have identified 7 sub-skills for Computer Science that I have developed. Click on them to continue exploring:

Courses and Certificates

This is a list of courses that has helped me to develop my Computer Science skill.

Main courses under to this skill

The following courses contributed to developing this skill in general:

  • Introduction to Terminal and Command Line [ Certificate ]
  • Introduction to Terminal and Command Line (2019) [ Certificate ]

Specialized courses under to this skill

The following courses doesn't contribute to developing this skill in general, but they are specialized courses that I have taken to develop specific sub-skills and indirectly helped me to become better at Computer Science:

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