Logical Thinking

[ Parent skill: Critical Thinking ]

As a skill, Logical Thinking involves the ability to reason systematically and make conclusions based on sound reasoning principles. It includes identifying connections between ideas, deducing the consequences of certain actions or statements, and solving problems through a step-by-step methodology.

In its second aspect, logical thinking also means the capacity to evaluate arguments critically, spot flaws or inconsistencies in reasoning, and construct well-founded arguments of one's own. This skill is essential in fields like mathematics, science, law, and computer programming, where clear, rational thinking is key to understanding and solving complex issues.

Courses and Certificates

The following courses contributed to developing this skill in general:

  • Basic Algorithms and Logical Thinking Course (2020) [ Certificate ]
  • Programming Language Creation Course: Interpreters [ Certificate ]
  • Algorithmic Complexity with Python [ Certificate ]
  • Fundamentals of Mathematics Course [ Certificate ]
  • Python Fundamentals [ Certificate ]
  • Mathematical Foundations for Artificial Intelligence (2019) [ Certificate ]

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