
[ Parent skill: Programming Languages ]

As a skill, Python involves proficiency in this versatile, high-level programming language known for its readability and broad applicability in areas like web development, data analysis, AI, scientific computing, and scripting. Skills in Python include understanding syntax and semantics, writing clean and efficient code, and using Python’s extensive libraries and frameworks like Django for web development or Pandas for data analysis.

In its second aspect, Python skills also include the ability to integrate Python with other technologies, debug and test Python code, and use environment management and version control tools. Proficiency in Python is valuable for its role in a wide range of computing tasks, from simple scripts to complex machine learning algorithms.


I have identified 2 sub-skills for Python that I have developed. Click on them to continue exploring:

Courses and Certificates

This is a list of courses that has helped me to develop my Python skill.

Main courses under to this skill

The following courses contributed to developing this skill in general:

  • Basic Python Course [ Certificate ]
  • Business Analytics for Data Science Course [ Certificate ]
  • Algorithmic Complexity with Python [ Certificate ]
  • Text Classification Algorithms Course [ Certificate ]
  • Programming Language Creation Course: Interpreters [ Certificate ]
  • Course on Computational Statistics with Python [ Certificate ]
  • Linear Data Structures with Python [ Certificate ]
  • Fundamentals of Linear Algebra with Python [ Certificate ]
  • ETL Fundamentals with Python and Pentaho [ Certificate ]
  • Basic Natural Language Processing with Python and NLTK [ Certificate ]
  • Python Fundamentals [ Certificate ]
  • Fundamentals of Web Scraping with Python and Xpath
  • Practical Fundamentals of Machine Learning [ Certificate ]
  • Python Data Engineering Course [ Certificate ]

Specialized courses under to this skill

The following courses doesn't contribute to developing this skill in general, but they are specialized courses that I have taken to develop specific sub-skills and indirectly helped me to become better at Python:

  • Django Basic Course [ Certificate ]
  • Django Intermediate: Testing, Static Files, Django Admin [ Certificate ]
  • PyTorch for Deep Learning & Machine Learning

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